25 July 2024

International Symposium : Tourism and Heritage

In collaboration with the Territory Planning Research Center (CRAT) and the Laboratory of Territory Sciences, Natural Resources, and Environment (LASTERNE), under the patronage of the Rector of the Frères Mentouri University Constantine 1, the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography, and Territory Planning organizes an international symposium
4 July 2024

1st Call for Papers for the International Conference: Rethinking Public Transport for Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility

The Territory Planning Research Center  (CRAT), in partnership with ATRSSH, CRM, CRSTRA, ENATT, UC3, UC1, UC2, the University of Mediterranean Studies of Reggio Calabria (Italy), and the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) of Montreal (Canada), is organizing an international conference titled: "Rethinking Public Transport for Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility" on January 14 and 15, 2025.
2 July 2024

Intersectoral Commission “Territorial Planning, Environment, and Major Risks” (ATERM)

The Territory Planning Research Center (CRAT), under the supervision of the Directorate General for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT), hosted two workshops on Sunday, June 30, 2024, to prepare the content of the national research and development program in the fields of Territorial Planning, Environment, and Major Risks.
7 March 2024

Coordination Meeting : CRAT and LBE

In the context of regular meetings between the Territory Planning Research center (CRAT) and the Tamayouz Laboratory: Built Environment (LBE), a coordination meeting was held on February 29, 2024, with the presence of directors and team leaders from both parties.
11 July 2023

CRAT training course by : Dr.BENSAID

The Centre for Research in Territory Planning (CRAT) had the great honor of organizing a training course entitled "APPLICATIONS OF GEOMATICS IN THE FIELDS OF ACCIDENTOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY", coached by Dr. Abdelkrim BENSAID (MCF: Geography and Geomatics, LLSH, UFR de Géographie, Université d'Orléans, Laboratoire CEDETE EA 1210).
Scientific Days of the International Project URBANFOSC
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