Training session on Geomatics, Accidentology and Criminology
26 June 2023
Greetings for the Hijri New Year 1445
18 July 2023From 03 to 06 July 2023
The Centre for Research in Territory Planning (CRAT) had the great honor of organizing a training course entitled “APPLICATIONS OF GEOMATICS IN THE FIELDS OF ACCIDENTOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY”, coached by Dr. Abdelkrim BENSAID (MCF: Geography and Geomatics, LLSH, UFR de Géographie, Université d’Orléans, Laboratoire CEDETE EA 1210).
The 4-day training course included the following workshops, with the participation of experts in criminology and accidentology:
Day 1: 03-07-2023 : ACCIDENTOLOGY
Day 2: 04-07-2023 : CRIMINOLOGY
3rd and 4th days: 05 and 06-07-2023: MULTICRITERAL ANALYSIS (for CRAT researchers)
We would like to thank :
– Dr. Abdelkrim BENSAID for his total availability and great patience;
– Our guests for their contributions and discussions, which raised the level of the workshops.