Visite pédagogique
23 mai 2022
30 mai 2022
Dans le cadre des activités scientifiques hebdomadaires « les Mardis du CRAT », le Centre de Recherche en Aménagement du Territoire CRAT, aura l’honneur et le plaisir de recevoir Dr. Lamine BOUMAIZA, maitre de conférence en hydrogéologie et Vice Président de l’Association des Jeunes Hydrogéologues Canadiens, le 02/06/2022 à 9h00 au niveau de la salle des conférences.
Water stable isotope profiles to assess groundwater recharge under different climate conditions.
Conference abstract
Four sites submitted to different climate conditions (arid, semiarid, sub-humid, and humid) were selected, from North-American and North-African areas, to assess groundwater recharge. High-resolution vertical subsurface sediment sampling along the vadose zone of the investigated sites was completed, and the collected samples were analysed in laboratory to evaluate their stable isotopes ratios (δ2HH2O and δ18OH2O) and volumetric water content.Using a stable isotope-based method “peak shift method”, the humid site revealed high groundwater recharge rates ranging from 41 to 75% of the total precipitation. Stable isotope profiles showed a water transit time of one year through the investigated vadose zone; this assessed transit time was observed to match that obtained by numerical modeling.Difficulties were observed when the peak-shift method was applied at sites under arid, semiarid, and sub-humid climate conditions,chiefly due to the absence of a clear distinction of the seasonal isotopic peaks.Using another stable isotope-based method ‘‘piston displacement method’’, annual groundwater recharge rates of 0.2%, 2.5 %, and 18% of the total precipitation were assessed for the arid, semiarid, and sub-humid sites, respectively. However, the arid site exhibited some difficulties in applying the piston displacement methoddue to the scattered distribution of the deeper isotopic signatures.
Presenter biography
Lamine Boumaiza holds a hydrogeology engineering degree from the University of Annaba (Algeria), and master’s as well as Ph.D. degreesin geological engineering from the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (Canada). Dr. Boumaiza is currently working asscientist researcher in hydrogeology at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi; he works on multi-issues hydrogeology projects mainly focusing on the assessment of groundwater quantity and quality. Dr. Boumaiza has developed innovative approaches to solve various hydrogeological problems based on numerical/analytical modeling and field-experimental works. He also acts as a lecturer for several undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi. Previously, Dr. Boumaiza worked in Canada during 6 years for geo-environmental consulting firms, where he conducted several hydrogeological and environmental studies. Dr. Boumaiza is registered at the Quebec Professional Engineers Association, and involved in several Canadian groundwater organizations such as the Quebec Environment Network (Soil and groundwater section), and the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists.
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